- Some plants are only seasonally available:
Currently available

The violas are available in both spring and autumn.
- Viola x wittrockiana F1 (large-flowered pansies)
- Viola cornuta ‘Endurio’ (hardy horned pansies)
Our range of violas is made up of various colours, which can be ordered per colour.
Our violas are sold in size Ø 9 pots. They are placed separately in trays of 18. Our violas are also available in a 6-pack (both large-flowered and horned pansies) with a matching photographic handle.
The Endurio series is available in a Ø 10.5 cm pot, in packages of 15, in 6-packs with photographic handle, Ø 27 hanging pots, and 40 cm flower containers.
The Bellis perennis (daisy) is a biennial plant available in three colours, i.e. white, red, and pink, and is only available in spring.
They are grown in a 9 cm pot in 18-packs.
You can also get them in 6-packs with matching photographic handles. We have expanded our range with double-flowered varieties that are sold in a Ø 10.5 cm pot in packages of 15.
We also grow Chieranthus (wallflowers) in the autumn and spring.
The Chieranthus is grown in a 9 cm pot and sold in an 18-pack; it is now also available in a Ø 10.5 cm pot in packages of 15.
Last, but not least, is the Myosotis (forget-me-not). These are available in pink, white, and blue.
They are grown in a size 9 pot and sold in an 18-pack.